"Which Tamer Should I Get?"

Before you begin your adventure in the Digital World, you would be asked to create your character and choose your partner Digimons. It really is up to you when it comes to choosing. A LOT OF PEOPLE would choose Marcus. Why? Because he was the main protagonist in the Digimon Savers series (Season 5). 

But, really, it is all up to you. 
Here I will show you the stats that each tamer possess.

1. Marcus Damon

Marcus Damon
in Season 5

Marcus Damon
in DMO
So generally, Marcus is a well-balanced tamer overall with high attack and defense (which is most of the time looked at by people). However, Marcus has the lowest Digisoul among the four tamers given. 

2. Thomas H. Norstein
Thomas Norstein
 in Season 5
Thomas Norstein
in DMO
Thomas is the one character with TONS of health points. Although he doesn't have high attack, digisoul nor defense, Thomas would allow his Digimon partners to with stand longer due to his high HP. This would also allow you to move around the battle field without getting fatigue fast. (I will explain what Fatigue is in the next page.)

3. Yoshino Fujieda
Yoshino Fujieda
in Season 5
Yoshino Fujieda
in DMO

So, yes. Here we have Yoshino. The oldest member of the Squad. In the game, Yoshino has the highest amount of Digisoul. Which is VERY useful when it comes to maintaining your digivolved form for a very long time. Although she has the lowest attack, defense and health points, with her EXTREMELY high digisoul, players can always evolve their 'dying' Digimons to recover back full HP. Yoshino would be a good choice for those of you who would want to maintain your Digimons digivolved form for quite some time. (I chose her because of this reason although I am sacrificing some HP, AT and DF. But it's good compensation..)

And last but not least....

4. Keenan Krier

Keenan Krier
in Season 5
Keenan Krier
in DMO

A young boy who was once abandoned by his parents and left him to grow up thinking that he was a digimon. But he grew up with a lot of experience in the Digital World. Keenan in the game has only high attack. Although some experienced players of DMO would say that choosing Keenan is not the best choice, but what gives? Anyone can choose any tamer! 

So there you have it! All four tamers that are provided in the game. Just to rap it up, below is a table of the overall stats for the tamers :


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