"Which Starter/Partner Digimon Is Best?"

Who you intend to have as your partner doesn't really matter really. Some people go for Agumon because he's the most popular Digimon in the entire series. Some may go for Gaomon because he's cool and a cute lil' puppy. Some may go for Lalamon just to be different. And some may go for Falcomon because his Burst Mode just look super BADASS!

So anyway, those are the only starters provided in the server. So, choose wisely. The table below shows their evolution lines but not much on their stats:

1. Agumon(savers) [Vaccine type]

2. Gaomon [Data type]

3. Lalamon [Data type]

4. Falcomon [Data+Vaccine type]

So these are the evolution lines for each starter that DMO provides. The following are the Burst Modes (BM) that they will have :

So yeah! That raps it up for the starters and their evolution lines. Oh, before I forget, Burst Modes are not AUTOMATICALLY acquired. You will have to go through a series of BM quests at Infinite Ice Wall at the Snowstorm Village area. But regarding all the quests, I will post it in another post.

Next up : Walkthrough and basic gaming interfaces.


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